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Coyotes players informed the team is expected to move to Salt Lake City, AP source says

Time:2024-06-03 22:00:27 Source:sportViews(143)

Arizona Coyotes players have been informed the NHL club is expected to relocate to Salt Lake City, according to a person with knowledge of the meeting.

General manager Bill Armstrong flew to Edmonton, Alberta, to tell players about the team’s potential move to Utah before its game against the Oilers, the person told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Friday because the decision has not been announced.

Players and officials could visit Salt Lake City next week, possibly as soon as after the season finale Wednesday, which could be the final game at 5,000-seat Mullett Arena in Tempe.

Coyotes players were not available following Friday night’s 3-2 overtime win over Edmonton and coach Andre Tourigny said he would only take questions about the game.

“This team has been through a lot of adversity,” Tourigny said. “The first time the rumor came around, we didn’t manage it well and we shoot ourselves in the foot, went on a 14-game losing streak. Our guys are showing how proud they are, how much they care for each other and how much they want to have success with each other. It’s cool to feel that, cool to see them cheering each other and pushing in the same direction like that.”

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